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Results for "keyword: "protesters""
American Radicals A look at how the history of radical thought is often a history of failure.
Radical Spirit Joan Chittister on how humility requires listening and openness to the wisdom and views of others.
How We Learn to Be Brave Building a life of vision and courage.
The God Who Riots Experiencing intolerability.
Can I Get a Witness? Nichole M. Flores on the legacy of Ella Josephine Baker for the Black Lives Matter movement.
Spiritual Defiance A challenge to Christians to wake up, let go of rigid beliefs, and stop capitulating to the values of the dominant culture.
Small Victories Anne Lamott on how at a peace march in San Francisco, the "I" turned into a "we."
Grace-filled Moments with Sr. Joan A fresh batch of teachings from a spiritual polymath.
Forward Together A call to find faith and spirituality in the fight for justice.
Exposed An expose on how the line between governance, commerce, surveillance, and private life is evaporating.